Word by phrase by string. Each language or localization for Ushahidi software requires word by word translation. Using Transifex, our community has had great progress in increasing the localization. Sometimes a language set is championed by a strong individual like Jaume Fortuny for Catalan or Juergen Eichholz for German. Other times, it is a collective effort by a group of people or even some amazing organizations. We are delighted to support Al Jazeera's efforts to increase the Bosnian language localization of Ushahidi software.
Bosnia “Translation online marathon”:
Sunday, October 28th - Tuesday, October 30th Al Jazeera Media Network in cooperation with Oneworld – platform for south east europe (owpsee) has launched a translation marathon of Ushahidi to Bosnian. Your efforts to translate Ushahidi into Bosnian could assist civil society groups and media alike: "Being the voice of the voiceless is in the DNA of Al Jazeera. By helping to make the tools such as Ushahidi available to the people in the region in their own language, we make sure that they can tell their untold stories easier. At the same time we make sure that Al Jazeera stays on the forefront of media development in the region." – said Goran Milić, Director of News and Program of Al Jazeera Balkans.
Project Localization
The goal is to increase Bosnia translation to at least 80% - 100% by the end of the marathon. Since the campaign announced on October 22nd, the translation completeness has already increased by 15%. We are currently at 22% Bosnian language completeness: In the past month, we've see the potential. There is now 90% + completeness progress with both the Arabic and Korean language resources. We can't wait to see how the Bosnian language translation marathon proceeds. And, we look forward to supporting the resulting Ushahidi deployments in the region. Having the language set prepared for projects and for emergencies is part of the key to a successful deployment. Simply put, people want to share and collaborate in their own language: “From our previous experiences with crisis mapping, for instance the crisis map during the winter storms in the region, Ushahidi proved invaluable to us as a quick and easy to use tool that helped us keep the region informed and give access to critical info to the people of the region.” - said Haris Ališić, Senior Analyst at Al Jazeera Balkans.
Getting Started
It is easy to get started on translations. You can add a few words or some strings or full sets of “language resources”. Steps:
Join the Transifex community by creating an account.
Search for the “Ushahidi-localization”, " project to join our project. (We also have language sets for "Ushahidi Android" and "SMSSync"
Click on a language, you will see available “language resources” to be translated.
Click on the “language resource” to proceed.
This is a current view in Transifex of the Ushahidi - Bosnian language resources: We've created wiki documentation pages to aid your translation contributions: How to translate FAQs ********** Thanks to the Al Jazeera Balkans team, One World See and Transifex! You can follow along by watching Tweets by Haris Ališić and One World See By the way, while I was writing this post the Bosnian language completeness edged up to 29%. (I may have to stay up all night taking screenshots). (This is a scheduled post to be shared in the Bosnian morning instead of Canadian EDT.)
sreća (Happiness), Heather