Crowdmap services are back online. Our sincerest apologies to all Crowdmap deployers and their followers for this extended outage. Your Crowdmap data added before March 4, 2012 was unaffected by this issue. Existing report data remained untouched within your deployment as either approved, verified or awaiting review. No data was compromised. There is a small window of time in which report data may have affected. Reports added between March 4, 2012 14:30 UTC (your local time) and March 5, 2012 15:00 UTC (your local time) may be unavailable. We have a database snapshot when the site went down so if you have any questions about your particular deployment, please contact us and we will help to resolve any discrepancies. Our Next steps:
We will provide you will an incident report once we complete further analysis.
We're discussing change management and testing procedures for new change implementation.
There are ongoing Crowdmap infrastructure changes to improve scalability and redundancy.
We truly extend our apologies for this inconvenience and want to thank everyone for understanding and being supportive.