Join us Saturday, August 27th for an Open Development Community call and a Nairobi Ushahidi Hackathon.
Community Development Open Call
We are restarting the Ushahidi development community open calls and invite you to join a skype chat/ustream call. Our team of developers (Mobile, Swift, and Ushahidi) will be available to answer questions, take your feedback and brainstorm with you on the best ways to open up. This chat will be focused on technical development. We will hold future community chats focused on other topics. The call will take place at 18:00 EAT/11:00 EDT/08:00 PDT. (Your local time) This call will be part of the hackathon day and is set to be time zone friendly. Also, we want to let you know that we are working on streamlining the communication points (wiki, blog, forums, dev chat and mailing lists) to make it easier for you to participate in features, bug fixes and more. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more on this topic. We know this is a top community concern.
Nairobi Ushahidi Hackathon: Mobile, Crowdmap, Swift River and Ushahidi
We're holding a Nairobi Ushahidi hackathon on Saturday, August 27, 2011 for some braining and hacking: Register today: Schedule: Date: Saturday, August 27, 2011 Duration: 12:00 - 20:00 EAT Pizza for 19:00 EAT. Some of the hacks or bugs that we will focus on include:
River id and some of its components for Openid, OAuth
Ushahidi API
J2ME app
Your plugin ideas
Web designers: we could use a hand testing a design theme process.
Non-techs are welcome to work on documentation, some communications tasks, photos and video fun
We welcome virtual participants to join the hackathon via skype dev chat. Talk with you on Saturday, Heather L.