Promoting Inclusive Electoral Reforms in Kenya (PIER-K)

Rhoda Omenya
May 23, 2024

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the Promoting Inclusive Electoral Reforms in Kenya (PIER-K) project. This initiative, spanning 30 months, aims to bolster electoral reforms and democratic governance through a transparent, inclusive, and multi-stakeholder approach.


Why This Project Matters:


For Ushahidi:

Being part of PIER-K aligns with our vision to empower communities to thrive as a result of accessible data and technology. By leveraging our open-source Ushahidi Platform, we will gather critical citizen data and insights that will shape the future of electoral processes in Kenya. This project allows us to extend our impact, ensuring that even the most disenfranchised voices are heard and considered in the electoral reform dialogue. Beyond our previous election monitoring efforts for the 2022 elections, PIER-K enables Ushahidi to cover the entire electoral cycle. We are not only focusing on the election day but also the crucial processes before and after elections.


For Kenya:

Kenya's democratic fabric is strengthened when all citizens, especially traditionally disenfranchised groups like persons with disabilities, youth, and women, are informed and engaged. These groups are the key focus of the PIER-K initiative, as it aims to ensure their voices are heard, and their participation in the electoral process is enhanced.


Collaborative Strength:

PIER-K is a testament to the strength of partnerships. In this initiative, we are proud to collaborate with The Oslo Center, The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), Elections Observer Group (ELOG), Mzalendo, Consortium of Disabled Persons’ Organizations in Kenya (CDPOK), and SemaBOX. By ensuring a multifaceted approach, combining expertise in research, advocacy, technology, and community engagement, the consortium will address key issues identified in recent electoral observations to create a more inclusive political environment.

Our joint efforts strive to:

  • Promote inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue on electoral reforms to foster transparent, credible, and accountable elections.
  • Strengthen the capacity of governance institutions, CSOs, and political parties to meaningfully engage, promote, and implement their mandates.
  • Promote a right-based approach for the participation of diverse, underrepresented groups in the political and electoral processes.


By working together, we will amplify our reach and impact, creating a more cohesive and powerful movement to promote inclusive politics and empower minority groups, laying a foundation for lasting democratic reforms.


Ushahidi’s role in the PIER-K initiative fits with our theory of change of enabling mission-aligned partners to use the Ushahidi Platform to amplify disenfranchised voices. By enabling underrepresented groups who are rarely heard by decision-makers to share their data, we will facilitate citizen-centric outcomes. We aim to generate data and insights that will drive systemic change, ensuring that Kenyan citizens feel more included, our PIER-K partners become more effective, and policies and national decisions become more inclusive and representative of the needs of ordinary people.


By enhancing citizen awareness and promoting inclusive electoral reforms, PIER-K is set to transform Kenya's democratic landscape. Ushahidi is honoured to be a part of this significant journey, working alongside our partners to ensure every voice counts. Together, we are building a future where democratic governance thrives and every Kenyan can participate meaningfully in the electoral process.