The Transformative Power of Open-Source Technologies and Decentralized Web Storage

Jul 25, 2024

As the world increasingly embraces digital, open source technologies, decentralized web storage solutions are revolutionizing the way we share, store, and access information. Ushahidi, a pioneer in utilizing open source technology for crisis mapping, sees this as a pivotal moment to meet the growing demands of data management by leveraging innovative solutions like Filecoin, a decentralized storage solution built on InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).

Ushahidi is thrilled to announce our collaboration with the Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web (FFDW) to create a long-term repository for citizen reports crowdsourced during elections. This archive will be an invaluable resource for understanding past elections and identifying trends that can inform future democratic advancements. By storing these datasets on Filecoin’s decentralized storage network, we ensure that the data cannot be tampered with and remains accessible to researchers, policymakers, and the public.

This article is the first in a three-part series that delves into the revolutionary potential of these technologies, exploring what open source and decentralized storage are, the collaborative work Ushahidi and FFDW are doing together, and how Filecoin and IPFS are being leveraged for election data to ensure resilient access to data and analytics for better decision-making.

This article dives into the synergy between open source technologies and decentralized web storage, highlighting their transformative potential through Ushahidi's journey and its partnership with FFDW. By understanding the power of these technologies, we can see how they empower communities, enhance transparency, and provide resilience against centralization failures.


The Evolution of Ushahidi


Founding and Early Successes

Ushahidi was founded in 2008 in response to the post-election violence in Kenya. The name, which means "testimony" in Swahili, reflects our mission to give a voice to the voiceless through technology. The initial Ushahidi platform was designed to crowdsource and map reports of violence via SMS, email, or web forms, providing real-time information that was crucial for crisis response.


Growth and Expansion

Over the years, Ushahidi has expanded its platform to support a wide range of use cases, including election monitoring, disaster response, and social justice movements. Our platform has been deployed more than 20 million times in over 160 countries, proving its adaptability and effectiveness in different contexts.


Uchaguzi deployment. Source: Ushahidi Platform


One achievement was the deployment of Ushahidi during the 2013, 2017 and 2022 Kenyan elections. By enabling citizens to report incidents of violence and electoral fraud, the platform played a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability. The platform has also been deployed and leveraged for elections in Nigeria, Zambia, Guinea and Somalia.

As we continue to evolve, our focus remains on enhancing our product offerings to meet the growing demands of data management and to pioneer innovative solutions that address contemporary challenges. This evolution builds upon our enduring commitment to providing essential tools that empower people everywhere to easily gather data and generate insights that help tackle issues that matter most to them.


Enhancing Product Offerings for Modern Challenges

Ushahidi’s evolution is driven by a deep understanding of the changing landscape of data management and the growing needs of our global user base. Our focus is on building robust, user-centric products that not only address current challenges but also anticipate future needs. By integrating cutting-edge technologies, we aim to provide solutions that are both innovative and resilient.

Our vision is to ensure that:

  • People rarely heard by decision-makers can share their data in ways that allow them to help each other and/or achieve the outcomes they desire.
  • Decision-makers have access to data and insights that enable them to better support the communities they serve.
  • Community-generated datasets become public goods that serve as valuable resources to improve society.

To achieve this vision, we are enhancing our platform's capabilities in several key areas:

  • Data Integrity and Security: By leveraging decentralized storage solutions like Filecoin, we can ensure that data remains tamper-proof and accessible over the long term. This is crucial for maintaining the trust and reliability of the information gathered through our platform.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Our tools are designed to scale efficiently and adapt to various contexts and challenges. This flexibility allows us to support a wide range of use cases, from local community projects to large-scale international initiatives.
  • User Empowerment: We are committed to making our tools as user-friendly and accessible as possible, empowering individuals and communities to take control of their data. This includes providing comprehensive support and resources to help users maximize the potential of our platform.


Empowering Communities and Decision-Makers

At the heart of Ushahidi’s strategy is the belief that technology should serve to empower people, particularly those whose voices are often marginalized. By providing tools that enable effective data collection and analysis, we help communities to:

  • Document and Share Their Experiences: Our platform allows users to report incidents, share stories, and document events in real time. This collective data becomes a powerful resource for advocacy, awareness, and action.
  • Generate Actionable Insights: Through advanced data visualization and analysis features, our platform helps transform raw data into actionable insights. This enables communities to identify trends, spot issues, and develop informed strategies to address them.
  • Engage with Decision-Makers: By making data accessible and understandable, we bridge the gap between communities and decision-makers. This fosters a more inclusive and responsive approach to governance and policymaking.


One of the standout features of our platform is its ability to support election monitoring initiatives. By crowdsourcing reports of electoral issues, our tools provide a comprehensive picture of the electoral process, helping to ensure transparency and accountability. This not only empowers citizens to participate more actively in the democratic process but also provides decision-makers with the information they need to address any issues promptly and effectively.


Collaboration with Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web (FFDW)


Introduction to the Collaboration

In our ongoing mission to enhance data management and empower communities, Ushahidi is collaborating with FFDW. This collaboration aims to create a permanent repository for citizen reports crowdsourced during elections, ensuring that this valuable data is preserved and remains accessible.

The archive will be a significant resource for researchers, policymakers, and the public, providing insights into past elections and helping to identify trends that can inform future democratic advancements. By leveraging Filecoin’s decentralized storage network, we ensure that the data is secure, tamper-proof, and accessible for the long term, and our work together is a natural extension of Ushahidi’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and community empowerment.


Benefits of Decentralized Storage

Decentralized storage solutions, such as Filecoin, offer several key advantages over traditional centralized storage.

  • Data Resiliency

Decentralized storage reduces the risk of data loss or censorship by distributing data across multiple nodes. Instead of relying on a single central server, data is stored on a peer-to-peer network where multiple copies of the same data are kept. This means that even if one node goes offline or is compromised, the data remains accessible from other nodes in the network. This redundancy ensures that critical information is always available, which is particularly important for datasets used in election monitoring and crisis response.


  • Immutability

One of the core advantages of decentralized storage is the immutability of data. With content addressing, data is identified by a unique cryptographic hash. Any change to the data would result in a different hash, making tampering easily detectable. This immutability is crucial for maintaining the integrity of historical records, such as citizen reports during elections, as it ensures that the data remains unchanged and trustworthy over time.


  • Auditability

Blockchain-based systems provide a transparent and verifiable record of data storage and retrieval. In the Filecoin network, storage providers must regularly prove that they are correctly storing the data through a process called "proof of storage." This ongoing verification process creates an auditable history of the data, which enhances trust and accountability. Anyone can check the blockchain to verify that the data has been stored correctly and has not been tampered with, providing a high level of transparency.


  • Content Independence

With decentralized storage systems, no single entity controls the network. Data is distributed across many independent nodes, making it difficult for any one party to control or censor the information. This is particularly important for safeguarding data in politically sensitive contexts, such as election monitoring, where the risk of censorship is high.


  • Open Market and Competitive Pricing

Filecoin operates as an open market where storage providers compete to offer their services. This competition drives down prices and improves service quality. Users benefit from lower costs and have the flexibility to choose storage providers based on factors such as reliability, speed, and cost. This open market approach ensures that storage solutions remain affordable and accessible to a wide range of users, from individual activists to large organizations.


  • Verifiable Storage

Filecoin includes built-in processes to verify that files have been stored correctly over time. Storage providers must prove their reliability by maintaining a verifiable track record on the blockchain. This means that clients can trust that their files are being stored correctly, even if they are offline. The ability to verify storage integrity is particularly important for long-term data preservation, ensuring that historical data remains accurate and intact.


  • Choice of Tradeoffs

Decentralized storage solutions allow users to choose their own tradeoffs between cost, redundancy, and speed. Unlike traditional cloud storage providers, which offer limited options, users can select from a wide range of storage providers in the Filecoin network. This flexibility allows users to optimize their storage solutions based on their specific needs, whether they prioritize cost-effectiveness, high redundancy, or fast retrieval times.


  • No Vendor Lock-In

Decentralized storage eliminates the risk of vendor lock-in, where users are tied to a single provider due to proprietary features or high switching costs. In the Filecoin network, all storage providers adhere to the same protocol, making it easy to migrate data between providers. This interoperability ensures that users are not dependent on any one provider and can switch providers as needed without incurring significant costs or disruptions.


By integrating these decentralized storage solutions into our platform, Ushahidi can offer a more secure, reliable, and transparent solution for storing and managing critical data. This collaboration with FFDW not only aligns with our mission of empowering communities but also sets a new standard for data integrity and accessibility in the digital age.


Future Prospects and Impact


Potential for Broader Adoption

The collaboration between Ushahidi and FFDW represents a significant advancement in how data is managed, stored, and utilized. The potential for broader adoption of these technologies extends far beyond election monitoring and crisis response, offering transformative benefits across various sectors such as education, healthcare, governance, and more.

In the education sector, decentralized storage can ensure that educational resources, research papers, and academic records are permanently accessible and resistant to tampering. By doing so, institutions can provide students and researchers with reliable access to information, regardless of geographical or political barriers. This approach also promotes open access to knowledge, fostering a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Another use case is in governance, where decentralized storage can enhance transparency and accountability. Government records, legislative documents, and public data can be stored on decentralized networks, making them immutable and easily accessible to the public. This can reduce the risk of corruption and ensure that citizens have access to accurate and reliable information about government activities. Decentralized storage can also facilitate more secure and transparent voting systems, further strengthening democratic processes.


Challenges and Opportunities

While the potential of open source and decentralized storage technologies is immense, there are several challenges to their widespread adoption. Addressing these challenges will require concerted efforts from technology developers, policymakers, and the broader community.



  • Technical Complexity: Implementing decentralized storage solutions can be technically complex, requiring a deep understanding of blockchain technology, peer-to-peer networks, and cryptographic principles. This complexity can be a barrier for organizations and individuals with limited technical expertise.
  • Scalability: Ensuring that decentralized networks can scale efficiently to handle large volumes of data and high traffic loads is a critical challenge. Ongoing research and development are needed to enhance the scalability and performance of these systems.
  • Regulatory Environment: The regulatory landscape for decentralized technologies is still evolving. Ensuring compliance with data protection laws and addressing legal uncertainties around data ownership and jurisdiction are important considerations.
  • Adoption and Trust: Building trust in decentralized storage solutions is essential for their adoption. This involves educating users about the benefits and security of these technologies and demonstrating their reliability through real-world applications.



  • Innovation: Decentralized storage opens up new avenues for innovation in data management, security, and privacy. By leveraging these technologies, organizations can develop novel solutions to address complex challenges.
  • Community Empowerment: Decentralized storage empowers communities by giving them control over their data. This can lead to more inclusive and participatory approaches to data management, where communities are actively involved in the decision-making process.
  • Resilience: Decentralized networks are inherently resilient, reducing the risk of data loss or disruption due to centralized failures. This resilience is particularly valuable in crisis situations, where reliable access to information is crucial.
  • Economic Opportunities: The open market nature of decentralized storage systems like Filecoin creates economic opportunities for individuals and organizations to participate as storage providers. This can drive competition, lower costs, and improve service quality.


As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, the fusion of open-source technologies and decentralized web storage stands as a beacon of innovation and resilience. Ushahidi and FFDW are at the forefront of this transformation, demonstrating how these technologies can empower communities, safeguard data, and pave the way for a more transparent and equitable future.

In the second article in this series, we will delve deeper into the collaborative efforts between Ushahidi and FFDW. We will explore how we are creating a permanent repository for citizen reports crowdsourced during elections and how this initiative ensures the integrity and accessibility of crucial election data. Be on the lookout for it!