Ushahidi is pleased to announce the appointment of its inaugural advisory board. This accomplished group of people, with expertise spanning from mobile phones to early conflict warning systems, will bring a wealth of experience to Ushahidi as we continue to grow. It is a great privilege for us to have this group on board (no pun!) Ushahidi Advisory Board Katrin Verclas is the co-founder and editor of Mobile She is also a principal at Calder Strategies, focusing on mobile campaign strategy and effectiveness and ROI of interactive campaigns. Emeka Okafor has a diverse, interdisciplinary background focused on developing and raising the awareness of all things African. Currently, he is a Partner in Caranda Fine Foods. Mr. Okafor is also a principal at the Makeda Fund, a private equity fund focused on the development of women-owned and managed Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Africa. Deborah Estrin is a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at UCLA, holds the Jon Postel Chair in Computer Networks, and is Founding Director of the National Science Foundation funded Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS). CENS' mission is to explore and develop innovative, end-to-end, distributed sensing systems, across an array of applications, from ecosystems to human system. Ethan Zuckerman is a research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. His research in the field of information and communication technology for development includes work on telecommunications policy, free and open source software, and citizen media. With Rebecca MacKinnon, he is the cofounder of Global Voices, an award-winning international community of webloggers and citizen journalists. Patrick Meier is an international consultant and PhD candidate at Tufts University. As a consultant, he has worked with multiple international, regional, national and nongovernmental organizations to improve or implement a number of important conflict early warning and crisis mapping projects in Africa, Asia and Europe.