Ushahidi is exited to partner with Devex and their partners Agence Française de Développement (AFD), BroadReach, Chemonics, and Johnson & Johnson to contribute to #DataDriven, a month long conversation that will explore the power that data has to change our approach to achieving development outcomes in every sector. Over four weeks, #DataDriven will examine major questions including where the data revolution is headed, how data can improve service delivery for government and businesses alike, how data can help close the gap on gender parity, and more. The campaign will examine ways we can utilize data to make better decisions, to see what’s working and what’s not, and how data can be used to change the trajectory of crises such as famines or the spread of diseases.
Ushahidi is contributing to this program as the data collection and visualization partner. We have contributed and customized the Ushahidi data collection and visualizations platform to create an engaging way for the development sector to showcase their projects and how they contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Global Goals Deployment shows all of the incredible work being done around the world on a map and by SDG category.
Show us where you’re working and join the conversation with this interactive tool. It’s for development professionals to share their work on the sustainable development goals, on-the-ground and in real time. By sharing knowledge, you can build networks, find partners, and close the gap between data and development.