Ushahidi is a platform for mapping & visualizing data geo-spatially. SwiftRiver is a platform that powers a number apps for for curating and adding context to real-time data feeds. SwiftRiver's Sweeper app is one of these applications, designed to optimize user time by add intelligent curation tools and filters to help Ushahidi users manage information. It's the buffer for groups who want to cut down noise from the web. The optimal workflow is to aggregate all content & citizen reports (from SMS, Tweets, Email and Web feeds) into Sweeper and then to pass only the relevant information along to Ushahidi for mapping. Today, we're happy to announce a new version of a plugin called Ushahidi Report Push which allows for native support for this. Anyone who's used the two products over the past few months is aware that this interoperability has been spotty at best and difficult to get working without customizing code. It's now all working out of the box (well out of the repos). Download the plugin here and find instructions in use on our wiki.