In the weekly, translation successes and requeests, upcoming events, help wanted on the Ushahidi Forums and a new badge for Deployment of the Week:
Upcoming Events:
Three continents, three events in the coming week. Click on the links to register. Toronto, Canada (Wednesday, September 19, 2012) - Maps and Mobile. Join us to talk local and global mapping projects, plus learn about friends Medic Mobile and Souktel. Seoul, South Korea (Thursday, September 20, 2012)- Casual Meetup This is our first full event in South Korea. Thanks to Dr. Nick Lee for hosting us at Konkuk University. Nairobi, Kenya (Wednesday, September 26, 2012) - FrontlineSMS to Ushahidi Hack Day The goal of this event is to make FrontlineSMS version 2 and Ushahidi/Crowdmap more compatible. We currently work well with version 1. Join for a Nairobi hack day. Brian Herbert attended State of the Map last week in Tokyo. (With Hiroshi Miura of the Japan OpenStreetMap Foundation and team)
From the Community
Deployment of the Week
Deployment of the Week now has it's own badge which Ushahidi will give all those deployments that have been voted as Deployment of the Week. We'll be contacting all the previous winners this week. If you are selected as a Deployment of the Week, you can add the badge to your communications and to your deployment. It is our small thanks for being inspiring. Votes are collected from the Ushahidi team and community via a google form. This voting is shared on Mondays and we make the announcement in the Weekly report. See all the Deployments of the Week Velobstacles comes from Montreal, Canada and is this week's Deployment of the Week. Cities and how we use them are a common use for Ushahidi. As a cyclist, this map delights! I'd like to see this for every city. The purpose of Vélobstacles is to crowdsource obstacles on the bicycle road network - from bike paths that abruptly end to potholes - with the goal of prioritizing improvements to the road network for bicycling safety and convenience. Share the obstacles you encounter on your route. Also, find useful bicycle services nearby, such as bicycle shops and collective. Finally, the bicycle accidents in Montreal, from police data, can also be found on the map.
Translation and Language
Thanks to our Korean community, we have a full Korean localization for Ushahidi. See more on their blog. Contacts are Yoe y Han and Ejang. Thanks for your leadership. Do you speak Swahili or Bosnian? We are aiming to increase these localizations. Anyone can contribute localization to Transifex. All you need to do is adopt a language/localization and get started. And, Contact Us if you have questions. (The wiki how to page for localizations.) See this wiki page to get started: Localization and Translation.
Opportunity for you
Freedom House IGF Incubator program is seeking ideas and projects until September 15th. To learn more about how to apply see the Freedom House page and Follow along on Facebook.
Into the Code
PHPFog is making is easier for you to install Ushahidi. They've built a free hosting tier for PHP apps. (UPDATE: They are now using Ushahidi 2.5.)
There are a few questions on the Forums that could use your expertise. If you know Ushahidi, perhaps you could lend a hand. One example is: Robert has questions how how to do a custom design change to "submit_edit.js".
Paid Help Wanted:
Nigel is trying to launch a customized Ushahidi implementation for Rebuilding Alliance's newest campaign. They want to install a customized basemap instead of a separate layer. Contact (Rebuilding Alliance is a coalition of people and groups around the world dedicated to helping war-torn neighborhoods rebuild, and promoting policy change to make them safe.)
Some reading:
About the Gain Prize that Ushahidi won a few months back Happy week! Heather