Deployment of the week
This week, we recognise the efforts of the team at Raccontalo alla Provincia pavese, mobilising citizens to voice out problems within their environment in the Province of Pavia in Italy.
In the news
Our friends at FrontlineSMS just released a new version of their desktop software, with support for SMSSync. An overview of new features and updates to FrontlineSMS v2.3 can be found on this blog post announcement.
Christian Fuchs has released a new book called Social Media: A Critical Introduction. Showing the reader how to ask the right kinds of questions about social media, Christian Fuchs takes us on a journey across social media, delving deep into case studies on Google, Facebook, Twitter, WikiLeaks and Wikipedia.
Videos of talks from ICCM 2013 can be found on the Crisismappers youtube feed. Here's one of a panel on Crisis Mapping for conflict management, featuring Helena Puig Larrauri.
Huge thanks to Global Giving for this graphic on social mapping and social change with Ushahidi
Social Mapping & Social Change #ushahidi #ict4d #tech4peace Tks @GlobalGiving — TranConn (@TranConn) January 20, 2014
FrontlineSMS has a number of jobs and internship positions available
HiiL Innovating Justice is looking for a proactive and energetic Event Coordinator to join the team as of 1 March 2014! Interested? Find out more here.
UNDP Sudan’s Joint Conflict Reduction Programme is currently advertising a Programme Management Specialist post (P4), based in Khartoum. Details here.
Knight foundation is offering $35k to take your media innovation project from an idea to demo via their prototype fund. Deadline for applications is 31st January, 2014.
Our friends at the Engine room are hiring an Admin Octopus :D. Fit the bill? Apply by February 14th, 2014.
Do you use Ushahidi for Citizen Science? The 3rd Cyberscience Summit is set for 20th - 22nd February, 2014 in London. Register!!
RightsCon Summit is going back to silicon valley on March 3-5 at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco. Buy your tickets now.
iHub Research is hosting a public panel forum on Umati, dubbed "The many faces of online hate speech in Kenya" on 28th January, 2014 at the iHub. This panel will be an opportunity to share insights from the Umati project, as well as from government, politics, civil society, traditional and new media representatives. RSVP here
Remember to join us for the first Ushahidi Developer call of 2014 on Wednesday 29th Jan/Thursday 30th Jan 2014.
Into the code
Ushahidi v2.7.x
Our community test day(s)(23rd and 24th of January) are still ongoing. Here's how you can help:-
Login to Test Site: site – username = password = admin2014
Test and Identify bugs: There are two ways to give feedback on the release candidate:
Add an issue to GitHub
Add the bugs to this spreadsheet to track feedback.
v2.7.2 is set to be release on Tuesday, 28th January, 2014. Remember to join us for the Ushahidi developer call the next day for updates on what to expect this year!! Happy Week, folks!