Happy Week! We have feature updates, a community asks for data tool testing and two Hangouts - one virtual and one in Seattle.
Into the Code
It's now easier to embed content on Crowdmap on your own website! Services that support oEmbed will now automatically grab embed details for any URL on Crowdmap. We worked with Embedly to make this even easier, joining a long list of supported providers like YouTube, SoundCloud, Wikipedia and others. You can test it out on Crowdmap.com and learn more on our wiki.
SMSSync Release
We're proud to announce the release of SMSSync version 2.4 on the Google Play store. Some of the changes included in this release are:
Addition of secret key as GET variable when invoking the GET Task feature.
Addition of a navigation drawer.
Change in numbering of items in the list view.
Moving of heavy operations off the main UI thread. This has improved speed greatly.
Addition of the ability to filter phone number so you can either blacklist or whitelist a phone number.
Refactoring of most of the code to make them testable.
Fixes to issues with "Get Response From Server" feature.
Fixes to issues with smssync service not turning off.
We're grateful for all the feedback received during the alpha testing phase, and look forward to any more feedback to keep improving!
Data Fellows and Data Mashers
Apparently it is Data Feast week. We want to make it easier for you to collect and curate your map mission. This means thinking about data management. This week we have a few data focused community events and community asks: Are you a hybrid? Do you speak maps, hacks and data? Well, the Knight Mozilla OpenNews Challenge might be for you. There are just a few days left to apply (August 17th, 2013) to be build great stuff with Internews and Ushahidi.
Testing 1,2,3 with DSSG
The Data Science for Social Good Fellows are still looking for some testers to evaluate their project. What is needed: English language (comfortable read/write), available for 15 minutes to do the experiment. Option: Some testers who have had experience adding categories or managing Ushahidi deployments. (eg. verification, report curation or collection.) Here's how to become a DSSG Tester.
Join the Data Science Virtual Hangout
We are hosting a Data Science Google Hangout to learn more about their Data Science project and to answer questions. To register: Join us on Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 Time zone fun: 10:00 PT, 12:00 CT, 13:00 ET /18:00 UTC /20:00 EAT This will be recorded too!
Seattle Meetup
Erik and Heather are in Seattle this week. Join us for a pint. Share your latest projects and meet like minds. Date: Friday, August 16, 2013 Time: 17:30 - 20:00 PT Location: Linda's Tavern Register via Meetup
Deployment of the Week
Ser Fiscal - Mapa del Delito Electoral 2013 was a map project created by Red Ser Fiscal (NGO) and supported by Knight Mozilla OpenNews Fellow, Manual Aristaran, for La Nacion. Coordinating citizen reports with media seems to be blog theme this week. Well done, team. You are Deployment of the Week for your work on the primaries leading up to the Argentinian election.