Deployment of the week
This week, we recognise the efforts of the UNESCO team - appreciating, assessing, and improving the educators of the world on World Teachers' Day (October 5th, 2013).
In the News
MAVC Call for proposals
Are you interested in using innovation to improve government performance and accountability? The first call for proposals for Making All Voices Count, a global initiative that supports innovation and harnessing technology for citizen engagement and government responsiveness, is now open. Register before 8th November, 2013!
Micromappers launched for pakistan earthquake
Micromappers is now public and anyone can join in the efforts to help. The team at QCRI launched an early test of the platform as a result of the 7.7 magnitude earthquake, which killed several people and injured hundreds more in south-western Pakistan. Read more about the launch on, and results of the Micromappers response to the Pakistan earthquake.
Community Developer calls are back!
We're back after the long summer break. Join us for the next community developer call on Monday October, 14th, 2013. You'll get to hear all about the new Crowdmap API as well as progress on development of Ushahidi v3 and more fun stuff. This month's call will be in Europe and Africa friendly timezones.
Have you registered for ICCM?
If you haven't already registered for ICCM 2013, please register before November 1st! The agenda is publicly available here. This year's CrisisMappers conference is proudly co-hosted by UN-Habitat & Spatial Collective; Co-organized by USAID & ESRI and co-sponsored by Humanity United, Google, QCRI, ICT4Peace, USIP, Azavea, iHub and Ushahidi. Folks are encouraged to submit an Ignite Talk proposal and/or Self-Organized Session topic by October 18th at the latest. Both the Ignite Talks and Self-Organized Sessions are absolutely integral to the conference and an excellent way for you to share your work and ideas with the broader community. Here's more information on how to go about submitting your ideas for presentation at ICCM
Submit an Ignite Talk
Submit a Self-Organized Session
Apply for a space in the Tech & Analysis Fair
We're all looking forward to seeing you in Nairobi!
Into the Code
You probably read about us shipping products this year. We've given you lots of sneak peeks into the work the Ushahidi v3 team has been doing these last few months, and are happy to announce that we will be having a v3 developer release in the coming weeks, towards the end of October.
Ushahidi via USSD
Have you heard about the awesome app our friends at Praekelt built? Read more about Ushahidi via USSD here. If you think this app would be beneficial to you when using Ushahidi in your country, and would be interested in making use of this service, feel free to jump into this github repository, and get in touch with the good folks at Praekelt foundation. Happy Weekend Folks!