Ushahidi is part of a project called 'Open Design' in partnership with Adobe and Designit. We've recently finished and launched our methodology and a series of workshops this year that focus on design contributions to open source software with a humanitarian focus. We'll be testing this out on Ushahidi's crisis communication tool TenFour.
Conferences & Events
Last week our Lead designer who is passionate about intersectional inclusion and promoting healthy attitudes towards mental health in the tech sector gave a tech talk on Diversity in design at MongoDB.local London 2019. The talk covered real-life past examples of projects that didn’t go well, ones that went well, how our designer works as much diversity and inclusivity into their work and how one can too.
Our Director of DevOps participated in ZIF Expert Dialogue on Technology and Peace Operations October 2019 Conference in Berlin. The event was about exploring concrete collaboration topics between organizations carrying out peacekeeping missions and operations (such as the UN) and experts in applying technology to preserve peace. He presented the Isooko project (which is one of our projects around the role of technology in peace-building and peace education) and appealed to further explore the impact that the open source development model can have on the innovation rate for this domain.