I am Nirbaya

Raising awareness of gender based violence through citizen reporting

The I am Nirbhaya ("I am fearless") campaign uses Ushahidi's platform to allow any citizen to report incidences of sexual and gender based violence in India, monitor and respond to the reported cases, and analyze data to find trends.

The I am Nirbhaya ("I am fearless") campaign uses Ushahidi's platform to allow any citizen to report incidences of sexual and gender based violence in India, monitor and respond to the reported cases, and analyze data to find trends.

India is fourth most dangerous place in the world for women according to a TrustLaw Poll.

The I am Nirbhaya ("I am fearless") campaign uses Ushahidi's platform to allow any citizen to report incidences of sexual and gender based violence in India, monitor and respond to the reported cases, and analyze data to find trends.

The gang rape of a 23 year-old girl (often referred to as " Nirbhaya"), in Delhi on December 16th, 2012 has sparked nationwide protests over the security of women and the status of women's rights in India.

This deployment aims to increase the visibility of violence against women and accountability for institutions responsible, for ensuring the safety of all members of the society. It serves as a publicly available database of cases of violence against women aiming to empower those who have previously remained silent. It is a collective effort to map incidents, generate reports, and together build pressure on the police and government institutions that have turned a blind eye to women's safety in India.

The details and location of nearby women's rights groups are also offered at vawhelp.org - for those in need of more direct support or advice.

*Note: I am Nirbhaya is in the process of migrating from the open source Ushahidi Version 2 platform to a hosted Version 3 deployment. All 8000 posts will be migrated to their current deployment soon, and until then, we have also linked to their Version 2 deployment.



